2022 Retreat Registration Form Prefer to fill this form out by hand? Click the button below to download a PDF version. Download Form PDF Url Name: * Street Address * City/State * ZIP * Phone * Cell Phone Email Address * Please register me for the following retreat and type of participation. Return this registration form with a $100 deposit to reserve your room at the Villa or to register for virtual attendance at a June retreat. All deposits are non-refundable. The Wonder of Presence, Sister Carol Quinlivan, CSJ, (June 7 - June 14, 2022) Stay at the Villa ($750) Virtual Retreat ($100) Jungian-Christian Spirituality, Brother Don Bisson, FMS, (June 21 - June 28, 2022) Stay at the Villa ($750) Virtual Retreat ($100) Self-Directed Silent Retreat (July 6 - July 13, 2022) Stay at the Villa ($750) Levanté (July 19 - July 26, 2022) Stay at the Villa ($750) Submit Request